Our Capabilites

The team at Insider wear a lot of hats - literally and figuratively. From captivating visual storytelling to engaging editorial content, let us be your illustrators, your cartographers, your documentarians and your journalists.


In our videos, we're all about capturing what makes an insight truly special. We dig deep for inspiration, empathy, and those moments where you can really put yourself in someone else's shoes. It's not just about visuals; it's about creating stories that resonate and stick with you, reflecting on the diverse human experiences that bring us together.

Graphic design and Motion Graphics

Work with us on creating these materials as a team. Hand your students, communities and visitors something special. Something they will hold onto, bookmark in their browser or right down notes as they watch the video.


A criticial tool when it comes to marketing to international audiences, animation keeps messaging consumable, flexible and accessible.

Field guides and maps

Print isn't dead! Work with us to create engaging guides and maps with interactive elements and curated points of interest.

Social Media Tiles and Story Templates

Eye-catching designs for social media posts and stories, tailored to engage audiences and convey key messages effectively and creatively.


Finding the right words can be difficult - so, leave it to us! Thoughtful, eloquent and exciting editorial content is our specialty, while adhering to your unique style, tone and audience.

Event coverage and activities

Bringing your campus to life through words alone can be a challenge. We'll work with you to make the audience feel like they're really there.

Content and city experience

Let us paint a vivid picture of academic life in various cities, helping students envision their future abroad.

Student and alumni interviews

We know how to make interviewees feel comfortable and confident, ensuring we can craft their story into a written narrative they're proud of.

Course Content that Converts

From game design to aerospace engineering, we showcase the courses and programs that make up Australia's world-renowned education system.


We've got an in-house team of copywriters, graphic designers and photographers that are here to fuel your asset list. Got the text and just need the layout done? We've got you covered. Got the designer but not the copy, we've got you covered. Need the lot with a fresh set of stills to accompany it? We can handle it all for you.

Campus Wayfinding and Induction Materials

Navigational aids and informative materials designed to guide new students and visitors around campus, ensuring a smooth and welcoming induction experience.

Agent Presentations and Toolkits

Comprehensive resources and visually appealing presentations for agents, equipping them with essential information and materials to promote educational opportunities effectively.