
International student survival guide



Project type:

Educational Micro Campaign


The premise of the landing page was to serve as both a micro campaign and a hub for content useful to nib members moving to Australia from overseas. It was broken down into a series of sub-categories designed to guide students in the right direction. Each sub-landing page featured unique illustrations, easy to interpret list-based copy and graphic elements to enhance the content.


Each video was meticulously planned in terms of scene, casting, and scripting.Videos were shot in a direct-to-camera explainer format to engage the viewer in a conversational manner.

To maintain viewer engagement throughout, we employed visual techniques such as match cuts, stop motion, and graphic overlays. These techniques added dynamic elements and visual interest, ensuring the content remained captivating from start to finish.

Editorial and Landing Page Layout

Each category of content included accompanying checklists, guides, and insights designed to be engaging and appealing, encouraging students to return and absorb the information. Ensuring that nib had easily linkable and shareable sub-categories of information was crucial to this approach. The goal was to make the content not only informative but also accessible and shareable, enhancing its usefulness and reach.